Who is the Intellectual Trio?

The most Brilliant 1 or 4 minds in the history of histories: The Elaborated Version

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Unsolicited Advisements: Twins, Chins & Chillin Wens

The I3O has taken it upon ourselves to give advisements to those that asked not for it.

I'm worried about my sister. She has an 18 month old so, needless to say, she has her hands full. Her and her husband just found out that she is pregnant – with twins! She's back at her full-time job (for now) and her husband barely sees his kid now he's working so much. I know they need money, and I want to help, but she won't let me. What should I do

- Jodie, Hampton, AR


Young families cause irreversible amounts of stress on everyone involved. You can't just be thinking of yourself. This family set-up will have adverse affects on your sister, her daughter, her husband, her twins, me, the US Government, the great state of Arkansas, Dunkin' Donuts, et al. Your sister is driving straight for the toxic dump cliff. Luckily, the I30 always knows the best detours.

Some species exercise what is called intrauterine cannibalism. In this ingenious system that Father Darwin would be pleased with, the furious impregnation of say, a tiger shark, results in multiple embryos, not different from your sister's belly-twofer. In a no-holds-barred, battle of the womb, the stronger embryo EATS the weaker one(s). Three babies magically appear, only one gets born, having gained the strength of TWO or more embryos.

Now, this practice is generally discouraged in the United States and I know exactly who to blame: China! They know that at this point, we can't compete with them on the quantity of our populace. Therefore, it is imperative that we start concentrating on the quality. And to us at the Trio, intrauterine cannibalism is cheaper and more effective at finally building the super-species that we've been leading the charge towards for centuries.

Hope that helps, Jodie. Just induce some cannibalistic tendencies in the embryos now, cause once they're born, the tangible benefits lessen considerably.

I am a 15 year old boy, indeed skinny, more than i should be, im a few kilograms under my ''ideal weight'' so im sure thats not the problem, but i have this somewhat big, and very bothersome double chin! whats going on? What can i do about it?

- Juan

Juan, you have a couple of options. The most obvious, the one you've looked into, im (sic) sure, is a chin reduction procedure. They're cheap ($15 - $20) and painless. Plan on spending about 30 minutes with a good, quality bone chisel, and a semi-licensed chinologist and you're on your way.

Granted, chinologists are rare, so perhaps you're thinking about this all wrong. See, aesthetic beauty (of which, no doubt, we are experts) isn't a matter of features so much as it is a matter of proportion. Perhaps you've heard of the Golden Mean or Golden Triangle; standards of beauty in all forms from antiquity based on proportions and named after the Intellectual Trio. Maybe your chin isn't too big, but the rest of your face, too small. I would suggest getting face implants to really step up your facial prowess.

Finally, I can't resist asking; why are you worried at all? No man has achieved anything in life without a strong and/or double chin. Of course, the Trio's visage is perfection incarnate. Embrace that which makes you powerful, learn to tap into the awesome might and glory of your double chin, and the rest will sort itself out.

wat does it mean if a friend just asks u to chill wen theyre not really doin anything??
im one of the quieter girls i dont really put myself out there and i dont like askin people to chill i like wen they ask me i dunno why but i think im losing a friend because of that..she used to call alot now we go weeks at a time of not talkin to eachother, i think shes gettin sick of always askin..she told me i never ask to chill i said i know then shes like ask to chill.
god i dont know why i do this.



The fact that she wants to chill wen is a good sign for sure. Wen, of course, is the abbreviation for Wendy's Arby's Group, Inc. on the New York Stock Exchange. Since we dabble in commodities and securities exchanges, we know that to “chill” is simply to sell short. Given that neither Wendy's nor Arby's have a fast food product to compete with Taco Bell's Shrimp Tacos, they're heading for the poor house.

The real issue is that no one wants to ask people to chill, that won't ask others to chill. It's like what Mookie said, you scratch my feet, I'll scratch yours. If you want to be rich, invest in Taco Bell. If you want to be rich in friends, share your hot stock tips and make your friends rich. If you want to be rich in intellectuality, keep reading the Intellectual Trio.

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